Monday, June 11, 2012

06/11/2012 - Update

This is the hardest thing I have ever taken on, one never thinks that after they have cared for and raised a child to manhood that this care will be again needed by your child. Rob has stated already that although it is hard to understand this has brought him closer to God. This is also how I feel, and have come to realize that the position God had, only a few weeks back put Donna and I into in our lives was where we can now participate in Rob's care alongside Hollie. Well enough about us here is the update on Rob's journey.

Yesterday was another good day even with the breathing challenges in the previous post. He has had a c-collar of some sort on, well the dr said it could come off but Rob felt safer with it on...well we were able to get him sitting for a few hours without it and then he wanted it back on. Hollie was staying with him over night so Donna and I went to our hotel. I got a call from Hollie telling us that he had a fever so I made a drive to the hospital. All was well and they had him out of the c-collar taking meds for the fever, with an ice pack on the incision on the back of his neck. He had a good nights sleep and this morning ate more than any other meal in the last 6 days (good job Rob).

So today has been really good, he has been moved out of ICU to a room and has been visited by the PT department and he is able to have the bed elevated to around 60 degrees, and will be moved to a chair type bed tomorrow. He is still battling the fever but is now on IV antibiotics to help with this struggle.

Until Tomorrow - CLP

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