Thursday, May 16, 2013


Everyone struggles with patience.

This is a super fast world. Everything is fast. Fast food, Fast lanes of traffic  fast paced work environment.

I think during this whole process, Rob and I have learned so much. But one of the number one things we've had to learn is Patience. We don't ask for it, because we get tested on a daily basis.

Patience with each other, with the caregivers, home nurses, therapy, equipment companies, FEDEX, UPS, postal service, the transportation service. Its goes on and on. Its never ending.

Recently Roberts Power chair went out. Its a small thing that can be fixed, but we are having to wait on the chair part for it to get fixed. I wondered why it couldn't be overnighted Today has been a week we have been waiting for it. Said it would be here on Monday, here it is Thursday. No Part.

So right now we are currently borrowing a standard wheelchair from the medical supply company so that he can in some way get to and from his therapy appointments. Its not comfortable. Its not HIS chair. No cushion just a plain, standard, hospital chair.

He's having to be patient, because it means, he goes back to relying on other people (me mostly) to push him around. When, in his power chair, sans opening the front door, he was doing all of that on his own. Least to say, he's back at square one.

He's also had to be patient waiting on the chair that he recently ordered. His power-assisted Manual chair. This chair isn't for anyone but him to push. It has power assisted wheels so that if he doesn't need help pushing, the chairs wheels will finish the "push" for him. How Cool is that?!

It should be here any are slowly trickling in to the equipment company that will be putting it together for him.

I'm very excited for him, because this will not only give him a better opportunity to get around, but its just going to also help his whole upper body as well. Pushing his own chair, will give him more of his upper body strength back. Which is definitely one of his goals.

The level of determination in him is immeasurable. Its inspiring and very admirable.
So exciting to see things slowly progressing. 

I never thought we would be at this stage of his recovery, but I couldn't be more happier for him, for us.


I've never had it. Not very much of it.

If it doesn't get done in the next five minutes by the person that is responsible, move over I'll do it myself!!!

;) That's just been my personality. Get it done or move over.

Patience for a van.

Now, this Van Fund, the fundraising, has really been something I have truly had to sit back and let happen. Let the road go where it will, so to speak.

We have been so surprised, elated, thrilled, speechless at times and utterly humbled at the blessings we have received so far.

We are half way there and its only because of the readers, supporters, and prayer warriors out there. I know your lifting us up  in your hearts, thoughts and prayers. I personally can't tell you how much that means to me and Robert.

the flyer, if anyone needs to print to share. You have our permissions.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rob's Bands

For some of you these look very familiar. These bands are what we are selling to raise more money/donations for Roberts Van.

We are currently selling them for $2. People have given that for a band, some have turned around and given $20 for it, then handed it back to sell to someone else..
How awesome is that?!

If you would like a band, please get in touch with me or Robert.

If you think you know that you can sell some in bulk, we would be happy to discuss how we can assist you in that.

These bands are available in Adult and Kids sizes.