The Van that we are looking to purchase. This is a picture of what you will be donating towards! A Picture says 1,000 and 1 words. — in Lubbock, TX.
Looks like just your ordinary van, right?!
Well, inside this baby is a whole new world for this family.
Outings, Dinners, Church, Trips, The Park, Etc.
This Van will take Robert to Therapy, and Even his Dr. Visits.
Is it ours? No.
What will it take? Your Help
Your promises. Your Pledges to help support us. Your Support to help Finance this big price tag.
How big you say? The modifications are already approved and waiting to be paid for if we come
up with the money for the van itself. $30,000 is what we need to pay for this.
Why don't we just borrow it from the bank, you ask?
Well, when Robert had his accident, his pay was slightly reimbursed to him by workers compensation. He only gets 2/3's of his income that he was making before the accident.
If we took on a car payment, it would make us destitute.
We just can't afford a car note.
Donations, Fundraisers, Prayers, and such.
If you want to help but can't financially, please pray for that $30,000 goal to be met.